Your home is your sanctuary. You keep it clean and tidy. You filter your tap water, ensure ideal humidity levels and you may have some house plants for adding...
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Buddhist books for kids, really? Isn’t stuffing any religion or belief system down children’s throats a form of mental abuse? After all, they will...
Stepping back from the rat race comes in different degrees. From simply working a few hours less or living in a tiny house to building your own upclyced...
Did you know that it wasn’t until the 14th century that the modern mirror was invented? For the first time in history people could take a good look at...
Sleeping is something many of us agree we could improve upon. Both in quantity as quality. With this simple tip you can improve the quality of your sleep. The...
These 10 quality documentaries expose several facets of the current state of our modern society. The eye-openers portray an image of who we have become as...